Pre Construction Termite Treatments for Builders
- Full 5 Year Renewable Warranty
- Complete, Thorough Chemical Application
- FHA/VA approved - includes forms HUD XXXX
- $1,000.000.00 Liability Coverage
- $1,000.000.00 Workers Compensation Certification
- Flexible scheduling to meet builder deadlines
- Reasonable Rates
- Let us bid on your next project. Give us a call Today!
The California Structural Pest Control Board would like us to inform you that while we offer a number of ways to eliminate drywood termites and wood boring beetles due to recent advances in pesticides, the only sure way to eliminate every last insect is to fumigate the structure. While we can arrange to have your building fumigated, the actual fumigation is subcontracted to another pest control company, most likely Nor-Cal Pest Control, a wholesale Sacramento pest control company that performs fumigations in Sacramento and the neighboring counties of Northern California.